Friday, July 17, 2009


So i got cut off last time because a massive flood of people entered the staff 'lounge'. By lounge they mean one couch and a whole bunch of desks and computers. Its pretty sweet though; free internet so you can't go wrong.

I've nearly finished a week at my new job. I'm making a few silly mistakes but other than that i'm doing ok. My name badge still reads 'John' as mine isn't done yet. I'm working all weekend which will be good because I'm saving money for Europe next year with Meagz.

My room mate is still driving me insane. He talks too slow and I lose concentration easily...especially when he's filling me on his favourite TV show; Merlin. Mates at work tell me I can change but I'm going to stick it out for a bit longer.

Briggs has been messaging me on facebook nearly everyday which is good because I'm starting to miss everyone and its good to keep updates. I'm really impressed with a lot of people actually, those who I thought wouldn't stay in touch have proved me wrong...and visa versa in some cases.

It was awesome to hear from Brigitte recently. I'm getting really excited for her about America. The television guide is one of the major excitements for both of us. Its great to have such a close friend who I don't have to message every single day. I love it how we share genuine excitment for each other as well. She was pumped to hear about my job ect.

I've been trying to write every day but I hate doing it in a full computer room, its awkward because people next to me can read everything due to big computer screens.

The irony of my last statement is fierce. I'm happy for a whole world of strangers to read this but two people sitting next to me is a different story. I guess its just harder because they're reading next to me and I have to see them. Isn't that one of the good things about this? Not getting everyones immediate reactions to what I'm going on about.

Aparently Pink is on the island at the moment. Its rumoured that she will be going to the nightclub tonight but I can't really see why. Even so i'm still not going out tonight. I have to be at work at around 4am tomorrow so its clearly not worth going out based on a rumour. Yes, I am a fan of Pink. Most of you are and just won't admitt it.

The people I work with are really good. Theres a great mix of people and our managers are really good. Margy, and older lady, is like the nan of the bunch. She's constantly reminding me to eat breakfast and its loverly. I'm completely ignoring her though. Free bakery food=FAT. I'll give in eventually but for now i'm staying away for as long as I can. I'm joining the gym on Monday after I go to the mainland to get runners.

Thats all for now.



Set your anchor said...

Updates on your life sound wonderful! When are u and meagz going to europe? Next year in sept i'm going to europe with sarah.

Unknown said...

So John, you are mad... Pink... yes I am a fan too... but hey, good to hear all your news. I'm laughing myself silly at you getting up at such an indecent hour. Obviously the bakery and Ca$h have got something that your natural talent at baritone sax (according to Cav/Harry) didn't have!! I think that astrologer was right... you have a work ethic... so there!