Monday, October 13, 2008

we're not out here to behave pleasently.


friday night. messy.

sometimes getting cheap drinks for bar-tenders you know can be a bad thing.
i've come to decided that this chick DJ from star bar is probably the best DJ in traralgon. she even still uses CDs; talk about skills.

-dirty ryans.
-friends treating you like they're better then you.
-my messy room.

Friday, October 10, 2008

celebrate the irony.

has anyone ever taken the time to sit back and realise that nothing worked out just how you planned?

ok, so we all should know that nothing usually works out just how we planned, but i suppose that doesn't stop anyone from making plans, does it?

I had so many plans for this year, and hardly any of them worked out but I guess things worked out better than what I orginally expected anyway.

I guess you kinda start forget what plans you had in the first place and every when you do remember them; you wonder why you made them in the first place.