Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Remember Me, 'round my home town.

I'm pretty much a week behind on this now.
Went home for the weekend. "Crazy, Alcohol-fueled all-nighters" is the best way to describe probably the first 50hrs. Everything and nothing had changed. People commented on how much weight I'd lost and to be honest it felt fucking fantastic. I worked hard to get back in to shape and it was nice to hear its paid off.

Meagz stuck to me like glue but it still wasn't enough time to make up for 3 and a half months. It was weird seeing everyone at the airport. It didn't sink in that I was home until we were halfway back to Traralgon and I was hit with sudden waves of excitement.

A lot more people made a big effort to come see me then I thought would. I wish I could go back and re-live the weekend, but I know I've got so much to look forward to for the rest of this year. I was going to name this blog "Back to Paradise" but I think that Paradise is not where the palm trees, perfect weather and blue skys are... Paradise is where you can be in gail force winds on a road trip back home and be filled with Euphoria just by the company in the car and the prospect of those who you are about to see.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are.

I have a poster up in my shoe-box sized room of the movie adaptation of "Where the wild things are". I honestly can't remember what the book is about but I remember my Anty Kate telling me it was her favourtie book as a child so I put it up there to remind me of back home.

I've been working crazy hours this week. It feels good when I get my payslip though, but last night at work I really had to keep saying to myself, Europe next year, Europe next year over and over in my head.

This morning I forced myself out of bed at 8.30 because I've been oversleeping on my days off. I went to the gym and then swam at the staff pool and it was a good reminder of why I came up here and how much I do love it.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Best Job in the World

My manager Hayley and myself were interviewed by the 'Best Job in the World Guy(Ben)' today. He's making a documentary for National Geographic and now i'll be on it...with a scruffy face and bed hair no less!

Next stop: Hollywood.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Quick Update

About to run out of internet credit.
Race week is over, thank god!
Now things will go back to normal for a little while.
Still doing heaps of overtime to fund my oversea's trip next year.
Going out in Airlie beach this weekend for a mates birthday, should be a big night!
I'm talking to Brigitte on Skype this very second(first time using Skype I might add). Been swimming a lot, our staff pool area rules(photos soon).

Hired a boat with workmates on Sunday and we saw a pod of whales and one came REALLY close(Again photos soon, be patient!)