Friday, October 23, 2009

off my chest.

you tried to play us like puppets,
i guess you wanted what we had know that yours had gone.
you were good i'll give you that,
just spread the poison and sat back and we drove the wedge between each other.
you didn't count on the years of friendship we had,
and you could not keep yourself off the casualties list in this fucked up game.

so who's the winner? i sure don't feel like one myself.
she's alone. your alone. i'm not alone,
but still reminded of the good times and feeling ripped off when i think about
the ones that could've been.

i'm a lucky man, you weren't that subtle,
and whilst you pulled the sheets over my eyes i had people watching my back.
they were there before you came,
and they'll sure as hell be here after no matter how many times you reapear.

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