Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pyramid Rocked.

Ladyhawke was the definite highlight, after the time spent with my mates.

4am liftoff from the 'gon.
swapped drivers with meagz at invy.
loooottts of lineing up.
grog check! TOO EASY!
set up, not so easy...STUPID WIND!
good possie.
the DAKK! ew!
fireworks 24 hrs.
naomi 0. the ground 2; sprained wrist!
Pez, the festival song!
midnight juggernaughts, COUNTDOWN; together for once!
ladyhawke; orgasm.

drive home; 5 hours. thanks to meagz and myself's wikked sense of direction & 45 mins for KFC at wonthaggi!

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