Thursday, May 20, 2010


This is the first time i've come home and actually really not enjoyed myself. Apart from seeing my family/friends and getting my braces done I really regret even coming here. I'm making a promise to myself right now; never return to Gippsland during the winter, EVER.

Oh did I mention apart from this week my life is pretty much perfect at the moment?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Johanne Frances Lyons

Seeing as it is her birthday today its only fitting that the second day of the month shall be dedicated to my mother. I have so much to be thankful to this woman for. One of the strongest, smartest, self-aware people I have ever and probably will ever know. I miss her 'different' cooking, not having to bother looking up my star-signs, being woken up on a weekend by her random music and she would clean the house(singing), having intellegent conversations, the funny arguments(that I would usually win) and I guess the different way she raised me in general. So maybe she didn't make my lunch or my bed everyday, but she did make me as independent as I am today and that to me, is priceless. Happy Birthday Joh. Love your Son.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Charlotte Abagile Griffen

Fuck the rivalry with New Zealand, everybody needs at least 1 kiwi friend. I have the pleasure of being able to hang out with more then a few of these crazy bastards and they're easily some of the funniest people I've met. Lottie is no exception, she could beat me up and then make me laugh so hard I cry within the space of two minutes(average estimate). We run an absolute muck destroying herb gardens, late night swimming, being naughty at work('Your so naughty man'), owning the dancefloor at the club('Step-aside mutherf*&^&#) and attracting a vast amount of noise complaints(only at Jaleesa's house of course!) Sorry, sorry about that.

Monday, November 30, 2009


For me Christmas has always been a time when all I want to do is spend time with my friends and family. This is the first year where I will be spending hardly any time with both categories so in order to cheer myself up I've decided to dedicated one blog a day to 25 of the speacial people in my life, hoping that it will make me feel closer to home & grateful of the new friends I've made this year.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Too Much

I've had too much going on to attend to this lately which annoyes me because now theres too much to write and I can't be bothered.

Heres the shortened version.

Went home, got drunk lots. Had an amazing weekend.

Came back work, work, work, drink, drink drink.

Haven't spoken to Brigitte for a long time now and its making me uneasy.
I'm forcing my best friend Jellyfish to move up to Hamilton Island start of next year before we go to Europe. I hope the new Twilight movie and Where the Wild things are are still playing on the 17th of december as I will be back in Traralgon for my sisters 21st and plan to watch them.

I'm on the lunch truck tomorrow so I have to get up at 4am so I'm going to bed.

Night x

Saturday, October 31, 2009

the hickey should come after the kiss

not the other way around.
all i have to say is, working hard, partying harder.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

and now the air is so thick you can taste it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

What am I here for?
I left my home to dissapear is all.
I'm here for MYSELF...
not to know you I don't need noone else.

Friday, October 23, 2009

off my chest.

you tried to play us like puppets,
i guess you wanted what we had know that yours had gone.
you were good i'll give you that,
just spread the poison and sat back and we drove the wedge between each other.
you didn't count on the years of friendship we had,
and you could not keep yourself off the casualties list in this fucked up game.

so who's the winner? i sure don't feel like one myself.
she's alone. your alone. i'm not alone,
but still reminded of the good times and feeling ripped off when i think about
the ones that could've been.

i'm a lucky man, you weren't that subtle,
and whilst you pulled the sheets over my eyes i had people watching my back.
they were there before you came,
and they'll sure as hell be here after no matter how many times you reapear.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


BK: Well my previous post was way far more rational then the average TD to BK drunken phone call back in the day. For the past couple of weeks life has involved little but work and work has been little but mundane. I miss a challange. I'm getting taught new roles and work for the next three weeks and I'm doing my first aid course so hopefully that will provide me some distraction. I'm getting a better idea of what I want to do for the next 12 months after I get off this rock and starting to realise that the lifestyle here is not for me. I saw fireworks the other night down at the Marina and it reminded me of how far away from all the action I really am. I miss you too and can't wait until we can hang out and talk, although I do feel sorry for whoever else might be present, they won't be getting a word in.